Kung Fu Fitness Open Day! 15th Jan 2012
Ready for New Year Resolution? Whether you want to improve fitness, flexibility, balance, lose weight and learn real self defence techniques. With martial arts and yoga you get all this benefits.
Kung Fu Fitness Open Day (Sun 15th Jan) is your must do list for 2012. Take your first step to become martial artist!
10:00am Kung Fu History & Philosophy presentation
10:30am Tai Chi Kung Fu
11:30am Bando Yoga (Bring your own yoga mat)
12:30pm Self Defence
1:30pm Bando Kick Boxing & San Da (Chinese freestyle Kick Boxing)
2:30pm Lunch Break (Bring a packed lunch)
3:30pm Qi Kung (Internal energy)
4:30pm Shaolin Hung Gar Kung Fu
5:30pm Shaolin Wing Chun Kung Fu
6:30pm Bagua Zhang Kung Fu
Where: Conference Room, Burrells Wharf Square, London E14 3TH Map>>
Cost: Free if you like KFF on facebook and book your space via email to info at kungfufitness.co.uk Otherwise £25 for all day workshops still a very good bargain.
Wear loose clothing and flat sole shoes. Bring a large bottle of water and a large towel.
One talk and 8 workshops! You can attend as many as you like.
Please publish this link on your facebook.
p.s No classes running, all London classes will re-start on Mon 9th Jan 2012, have a lovely christmas and New Year!
*KFF reserve the right to change or cancel the Open Day.
KFF end of term Party, Early Christmas & New Year!
Urban Bar is the most funky bar near Isle of Dogs, Crazy wigs and rain inside the pub, dancing on the bar, table or chairs for that matter. Owner Mark is so welcoming and loud (as most American do, oh by the way he is ex-copper so you better behave ). Urban Bar is indeed stand out from the rest of the pub in the area.
Come join us for KFF last official social party of the year 2011!
When: Sat 3rd Dec 2011
Time: From 10pm till late
Everyone is welcome!
Urban Bar
27 Three Colt Street,
E14 8HH Map>>
Come join us for KFF last official social party of the year 2011!
When: Sat 3rd Dec 2011
Time: From 10pm till late
Everyone is welcome!
Urban Bar
27 Three Colt Street,
E14 8HH Map>>
Lethwei (Burmese Kick Boxing vintage video)
Lethwei is an unarmed Burmese Kick Boxing also known as Bando Kick Boxing. It is similar to related styles of Indochinese kickboxing, namely Muay Thai from Thailand, pradal serey from Cambodia, Muay Lao from Laos and tomoi from Malaysia.
Lethwei was based on a combination of boxing arts from India and China, known respectively as musti-yuddha and shoupo. Matches were held for entertainment and were popular with every strata of society. Participation was open to any male, whether king or commoner. At the time, matches took place in sandpits instead of rings. Boxers fought without protective equipment, only wrapping their hands in hemp or gauze. There were no draws and no point system, the fight went on until one of the participants was knocked out or could no longer continue.
Kyar Ba Nyein, who participated in boxing at the 1952 Summer Olympics, pioneered modern lethwei by setting in place modern rules and regulations. He travelled around Myanmar, especially the Mon and Karen states where a lot of villagers were still actively practicing lethwei. Kyar Ba Nein brought them back to Mandalay and Rangoon and, after training with them, encouraged them to compete in the matches he organised.
The Myanmar government has made some organisational changes to make Burmese boxing more marketable internationally. There are a number of Burmese boxers who do compete in Thailand professionally with varying degrees of success.
The first lethwei championship tournament was held in 2000. In ordinary matches there is no scoring system, but it was adopted then. The official title matches have not been held since the championship so those who knocked out the tournament winners are considered the unnofficial champions. Although only two or three official events are held by the government each year, unnofficial matches take place at festivals around the country every month. In government-sponsored fights, both competitors are given belts as commemorative gifts. The winners are given black-coloured belts, and the losers are given white-coloured belts.
The first international lethwei event was held in June 2001 when three kickboxers from the USA competed against lethwei practitioners. They were Shannon Ritch, Albert Ramirez and Doug Evans. All three Americans were knocked out in the first round. The second of these events took place on July 10–11, 2004 when four Japanese fighters were offered to fight against Burmese boxers. They were Akitoshi Tamura, Yoshitaro Niimi, Takeharu Yamamoto and Naruji Wakasugi. Tamura, a mixed martial artist, knocked out Aya Bo Sein in the second round and became the first foreigner to beat a lethwei practitioner in an official match.
Aside from punches, kicks, elbows and knee attacks, Burmese boxers also make use of head-butts, raking knuckle strikes and take downs. This may be due to the fact that lethwei was more strongly influenced by musti-yuddha than the other styles were.
Matches today are carried out in both the traditional manner and a more modern offshoot called "Myanma traditional boxing" which started in 1996. The latter was based on the sporting outlook of Muay Thai and uses a point system. If a knockout occurs, the boxer is revived and has the option of continuing the bout. In traditional fights, the winner is the first to draw blood which may be wiped away three times before victory is declared.
How to Lose Weight or Gain Weight
Energy in > Energy out = Gain Weight
Energy in < Energy out = Lose Weight
Cardiovascular (CV) exercise is the best way to lost weight and built up your stamina and fitness level. Non-stop 15mins CV exercise is better than breaks in between.
Maximum fat burn zone is between 60% to 70% of your maximum heart rate. see below chart...
- The more muscle on your body the greater your metabolic rate will be (the faster you'll burn fat and gain muscle). The more calories you burn, the less you'll have to reduce your fat intake.
- 6 small meals a day is better than 3 large ones. This lets your body utilize the nutrients and speeds up the metabolic rate.
- Speed up metabolism = CV exercise e.g Kick Boxing every ohter day, moderate calorie, high protein and low fat and sugar diet
- Foods that say they have no cholesterol may be loaded with staurated fat.
- Sleep: make sure you get at least 4 hours (you need additional sleep but a wake break won't disrupt anything).
- What you eat is what you are! see Healthy Diet>>
Kung Fu & Combat Bando Grading Mon 24th Oct
Kung Fu and Combat Bando Grading will take place on Mon 24th Oct 2011
Children : 6-7pm (£10)
Adults : 7-9pm (£20)
You must wear club uniform and sparring gears in order to do grading. This is your chance to proof that you got what it takes to be a real martial artist and ready for next level challenge.
Grading will look into Forms, Balance, Power, Control, Self Defence applications, Sparring and philosophy side will ask you history and language. As well as military Fitness test. To pass you need to have minimum of 60 points.
Make sure you are mentally and physically prepare for the test! After all you earn this respect in martial arts world.
Burmese Wrestling Grappling (Naban) in France
Grand stage de Naban et MMA
Le 3 décembre 2011 au Gymnase des Buclos à Meylan
Encadré par Sayagyi Jésus Vazquez Rivera Ceinture Noire 6è degré de Thaing,
Renseignements Jean-Marc Girard 06-64-98-60-87
Site Internet du Meylan Bando Kick-Boxing : www.meylanbando.fr
Tarifs² :
Prix pour le Stage 50 € (Les prix sont sans hébergement)
Horaires du stage* : Samedi 3 décembre de 10 à 13 h Naban-Grappling
et de 14h30 à 17 h 30 Naban-Combat
Lieux : Gymnase des Buclos à Meylan (38)
Equipement : bandogyi, protections,
*Pour les tous pratiquants par groupe de niveau...
²Les extérieurs doivent fournir un certificat médical de non-contradiction à la pratique des arts martiaux et une attestation d'assurance personnelle (responsabilité civile et dommage à autrui).
KFF Halloween Party Sat 29th Oct from 9pm
Date: Sat 29th Oct from 9pm
Bring Drinks
To gain entry Halloween Fancy Dress is a must!
Invite your bf,gf,fs along!
Conference Room
Burrells Wharf
Westferry Road
E14 3TH Map>>
Self Defence Darling and UK self defence Law
Kung Fu Fitness Self Defence DARLING
Defence = Defence yourself, your life your defence
Attack = Fight back if not more attack will come to you
Run = Flight (run to safe area)
Look = Make sure you look and run, don't run into another attackers
Inform = Inform police, friends and family what happened to you
NHS = If you got injury seek medical help
Good = Make sure you are in good health both mentally and physically. If not seek help, don't keep it to yourself!
Make sure Defence and Attack all in one!
Of course you have to know how to defence and attack!Self-Defence and the Prevention of Crime UK Law
What is Self Defence?
Self Defence is preparation to minimize the possibility of assault. It is training to learn and use appropriate and effective physical actions if there is no practical available alternative.
Being aware of and avoiding potentially dangerous situations is an emphasis of self defense. Attackers are typically larger, stronger, and are often armed or have an accomplice. These factors make fighting to defeat the attacker unlikely to succeed. In order to attack, an aggressor must have three elements in place: desire, distance, and decision. If any one of these elements can be removed, an attack can be avoided without resorting to physical self defense.When avoidance is impossible, one often has a better chance at fighting to escape, such methods maybe referred to as 'break away' techniques.
Ivo Kung Fu Fitness Combat Bando Kick Boxing training
This video is made by one of my private students. Enjoys! For Canary Wharf Minicabs visit http://www.carrotcars.co.uk/ or dial 0207 005 0557
Don’t just plod if you want a longer life, say heart experts
Short stints of intense exercise are better for the heart than just plodding along, according to a study that suggests turning it up a gear could add an extra five years to someone’s life.
The Danish research adds to evidence that moderate exertion, while clearly beneficial, might not be all that is needed to give the best level of protection against cardiovascular disease.
Academics who monitored the health of 5,000 people in Copenhagen who cycled regularly for 20 years, found that most benefit was gained from pedalling intensively for short periods.
Men who said they rode fast could expect to live 5.3 years longer than those who said they rode slowly, while for such women the figure was 3.9 years.
Men who believed they rode at an average speed could expect another 2.9 years of life, and such women 2.2 years.
Dr Peter Schnohr, from Bispebjerg University Hospital, told the annual meeting of the European Society of Cardiology in Paris: “It is the intensity, not the duration, of cycling that is of the greatest importance in relation to all forms of mortality, or longevity, and it is even more pronounced for coronary heart disease.”
The analysis, based on data from the Copenhagen City Heart Study, suggested those who cycled fast for between half an hour and an hour a day were likely to live longest.
Relative to slow cyclists, they had a 56 per cent lower risk of dying overall during the study period, which included a 74 per cent lower risk of dying from coronary heart disease.
The study was based on people without health problems such as high blood pressure or diabetes, aged 20 to 90.
Dr Schnohr argued that governments should advise people to take activity in more vigorous bursts as well as taking regular moderate exercise.
However, the research met with caution from Prof Peter Weissberg, medical director at the British Heart Foundation.
He warned that it could be dangerous for inactive people to simply get up and start doing hard exercise. “I would hate the message to get out in the UK that people who are not used to cycling should start doing it short and sharp,” he said.
He said it was interesting in relation to people who already cycled but most people in Britain were not that active.
“Current guidelines say that you’ve got to do sufficient exercise to get your heart rate up and get slightly breathless,” he added.
Þ Poor sleep quality greatly increases the risk of high blood pressure in older men, a study has found.
A lack of deep sleep was found to raise the risk by 80 per cent over a period of 3.4 years.
Researchers measured how long 784 men with an average age of 75 spent in “slow wave sleep”, a deep stage of sleep from which it is difficult to awaken.
Those for whom SWS took up less than four per cent of sleep time were significantly more likely to develop high blood pressure. The findings were reported in the American Heart Association journal Hypertension.
Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/8730084/Dont-just-plod-if-you-want-a-longer-life-say-heart-experts.html
Relative to slow cyclists, they had a 56 per cent lower risk of dying overall during the study period, which included a 74 per cent lower risk of dying from coronary heart disease.
The study was based on people without health problems such as high blood pressure or diabetes, aged 20 to 90.
Dr Schnohr argued that governments should advise people to take activity in more vigorous bursts as well as taking regular moderate exercise.
However, the research met with caution from Prof Peter Weissberg, medical director at the British Heart Foundation.
He warned that it could be dangerous for inactive people to simply get up and start doing hard exercise. “I would hate the message to get out in the UK that people who are not used to cycling should start doing it short and sharp,” he said.
He said it was interesting in relation to people who already cycled but most people in Britain were not that active.
“Current guidelines say that you’ve got to do sufficient exercise to get your heart rate up and get slightly breathless,” he added.
Þ Poor sleep quality greatly increases the risk of high blood pressure in older men, a study has found.
A lack of deep sleep was found to raise the risk by 80 per cent over a period of 3.4 years.
Researchers measured how long 784 men with an average age of 75 spent in “slow wave sleep”, a deep stage of sleep from which it is difficult to awaken.
Those for whom SWS took up less than four per cent of sleep time were significantly more likely to develop high blood pressure. The findings were reported in the American Heart Association journal Hypertension.
Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/8730084/Dont-just-plod-if-you-want-a-longer-life-say-heart-experts.html
An hour of daily exercise 'needed to stay slim'
According to a US study of 34,000 women, an hour a day of moderate exercise is needed to fight the flab.
Overweight women need to diet as well as exercise, a Harvard team reports in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
The UK government advises adults to exercise for at least half an hour five or more days a week.
The US study followed 34,000 middle-aged women over 13 years.
The women completed regular questionnaires about the amount of time they spent on physical activity.
They were classified into three groups: those who did the equivalent of less than two and a half hours of moderate exercise a week, between two and a half hours and seven hours a week, and more than seven hours a week.
The average age of the women was 54, and the average weight gain was 2.6 kg over the 13 year period.
The high exercise group gained significantly less weight than the rest.
But there was no difference in weight gain between the two lower exercise groups.
The only group who didn't gain weight during the study were normal weight women who exercised for an hour or more a day.
Too late
Among the women who were normal weight at the start, the more they exercised, the less weight they gained.
But among those who were already overweight at the start there was no relation between exercise and weight gain.
The authors say clear guidelines on the amount of physical activity for the prevention of weight gain are essential.
They draw two conclusions: "Firstly once overweight, it may be too late because physical activity - at least, at levels carried out by study participants - was not associated with less weight gain.
"Second, sustaining high levels of physical activity (60 minutes a day) is needed to successfully maintain normal BMI and prevent weight gain."
This level of activity is higher than the minimum that the UK government recommends.
Spare tyre
A Department of Health spokesperson said: "The Chief Medical Officer recommends that adults do 30 minutes of physical activity at least five times a week. Children need 60 minutes of activity every day.
"As part of the Change4Life movement, adults are being encouraged to make simple changes, such as eating more fruit and veg, cutting down on fatty foods and being more active, in their diet and lifestyle which will help them lead longer, healthier lives — and lose that unwanted spare tyre."
But Professor Paul Gately, who runs Carnegie Weight Management Programme at Leeds Metropolitan University, said the government recommendation is the amount of exercise needed to reduce risk of ill health.
He said more exercise was needed to avoid weight gain, and an hour a day was in line with findings of previous research.
He said: "While 30 minutes exercise is recommended for health reasons, people need to exercise for longer to avoid weight gain."
He added that the International Obesity Task Force report in 2004 concluded that people who are overweight have to do more exercise to maintain their weight, up to 90 minutes a day.
London Riots Survival Guide!
This is not riots anymore, this is burglary in broad daylight. Below are a few survival tips for you to stay away from those young thugs.
When you out and about look far ahead try to avoid crowded places. If you are in a shop or sit in a restaurant try to sit away from the window and entrance, incase some thugs broke in, you don't want broken glass shower on you. Bring below items with you...
Bottle of Water
In case you get caught in riots, you can wash your eyes from smoke and tear gas! As well as prevent dehyrdation. Pull your shirt up to cover your nose in the event of smoke and tear gas!
Good running shoes
So you can run as fast as you can!
Good strong Umbrella
For lovely English weather as well as use as a weapon if someone tries to mug you.Only if you know how to fight, otherwise let them mug would be a safe option. Remember your life is far more important then those scumbags. Not worth to risk your life.
Very useful if group of thugs want to get close to you. And again you need to know how to apply them safely, otherwise you might hurt yourself. Same with other items such as scarf, jacket, keys, coins, wallet and etc...
Get up to date news, so you know where to avoid if you have to go out.
Self Defence Workshop on Sun 4th Sept 2011 more info>>
Self Defence + Yoga = www.Kungfufitness.co.uk
When you out and about look far ahead try to avoid crowded places. If you are in a shop or sit in a restaurant try to sit away from the window and entrance, incase some thugs broke in, you don't want broken glass shower on you. Bring below items with you...
Bottle of Water
In case you get caught in riots, you can wash your eyes from smoke and tear gas! As well as prevent dehyrdation. Pull your shirt up to cover your nose in the event of smoke and tear gas!
Good running shoes
So you can run as fast as you can!
Good strong Umbrella
For lovely English weather as well as use as a weapon if someone tries to mug you.Only if you know how to fight, otherwise let them mug would be a safe option. Remember your life is far more important then those scumbags. Not worth to risk your life.
Very useful if group of thugs want to get close to you. And again you need to know how to apply them safely, otherwise you might hurt yourself. Same with other items such as scarf, jacket, keys, coins, wallet and etc...
Get up to date news, so you know where to avoid if you have to go out.
Self Defence Workshop on Sun 4th Sept 2011 more info>>
Self Defence + Yoga = www.Kungfufitness.co.uk
Traditional Kung Fu vintage videos 1960's from Taiwan
These videos are priceless, proper old school. Remind me of when I was learning Kung Fu in Yangon China Town. It is sad to see kids now a day only interested in play station, if they do interested in martial arts they will go for MMA or Kick Boxing. And they will say traditional martial arts can not fight! Martial Arts offer a lot more than just fighting. Little they know MMA are evolve from traditional martial arts. If you still think traditional martial arts can not fight, my advice would be find a teacher that can show you how to apply traditional martial arts techniques, not just to fight but how to defence and respect others.
Hand Seals for breathing practices
Chin Mudra
This mudra alters the breath by encouraging abdominal breathing.
Chinmaya Mudra
This mudra encourages intercostal breathing through the expansion of the sides of the ribcage and the middle of the torso.
Adhi Mudra
This mudra breathing encourages clavicular breathing through the expansion of the upper body of the lungs.
Brahma Mudra
This mudra encourages deep and full breathing. While you use it, observe each complete inhalation, which begins at the abdominal, moves up to fill the middle and side ribs and finally competely fills the very tips of the lungs right up under the collarbone. As you exhale, become aware of the gentle contracting force as the air flows out of the lungs through the nostrils.
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